Investors > Corporate Governance > Nominating Committee


The nomination committee is a body of the general meeting with the sole task of preparing the general meeting’s decision on electoral and remuneration issues and, where applicable, procedural issues of the following nomination committee. It is proposed that the nomination committee shall comprise three members appointed by the three largest shareholders by votes at the end of the third quarter each year and that the chairman of the board participates in the nomination committee meetings as an adjunct member. Known groups of shareholders are to be included in the expression “the three largest shareholders by votes.”  The chairman of the board shall annually contact the shareholders who are entitled to appoint a member.  

The Nomination Committee consists of the following members: Rickard Haraldsson (appointed by Index Equity Sweden AB and Gulfstream Group LLC.), Sanja Batljan (appointed by Ilija Batljan Invest AB (publ)) and Leif Almhorn (appointed by SEB Trygg Liv).